I'm Conor O'Neil

Full Stack Web Developer


The picture above was taken in Porto Venere, a little medieval town on the Ligurian coast of northwestern Italy, just a stone’s throw away from the famous Cinque Terre. My wife and I ended our European honeymoon there during the summer of 2017. We visited Paris, Spain’s San Sebastian, Barcelona, Tuscany and Milan. It was definitely the best trip I’ve ever taken. I love traveling, especially eating my way through different cultures. And while i’m blessed to have logged some great trips, this was my first as a husband. Traveling with my new wife and best friend made it that much better. Ask me about my latest adventure or a memorable dining experience in the Twin Cities, I’m always happy to compare travel and foodie notes!

I grew up and have lived in the Midwest my whole life. That said, most Minnesotans think I'm from the south because I was born in Iowa and lived in Kansas during my formative years. Kansas is not in the south, Its right in the middle of the country. Though anytime I go back to visit, I pick up a southern accent. As a University of Kansas Alumni, I’m a diehard Jayhawks fan. I have now lived in Minneapolis longer than any other city so, technically, I am more Minnesotan than anything. The trees, lakes and rivers definitely have something on Kansas’ rolling plains, but I will always prefer basketball over hockey.

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Kansas. I have 17 years of work and management experience in various industries: advertising, banking, retail, and most recently printing operations. The decision to change careers comes from a long-standing interest in technology, research and a passion for problem solving. I enrolled in the University of Minnesota’s Web Development Bootcamp to challenge myself, grow as a professional, and move into a career that I am truly passionate about. I’m just over half way through the program and wish I would have made the change five years ago. I love everything I am learning and the industry feels like a perfect fit. I look forward to speaking with you about entry-level web development positions and how my skills, interests and personality would be a fit within your organization.


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Crystal Collector

A simple game that will randomly assign a player a random number to start and number value to each crystal. The player must then choose the correct crystals in order to equal the randomly assigned number. Uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Github link to project.

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Gif Party

This is a web app that will pull gifs using the Giphy api. It has buttons that are already populated but you can add more using the search function. The gifs start as still, but will animate on a mouse click. Uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and ajax. Github link to project.

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Trivia Game

This is a timed trivia game. It will ask you a series of multiple choice questions and will score you based on the number of correct choices you make. Uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Github link to project.

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90's Hangman

This game is a 90's based Hangman game. It will give you a series of blanks which you then have to have guess the letter for each blank. Its Hangman. Uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Github link to project.

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Liri Bot

This is a Node.js app that use the Twitter, Spotify, and Request NPM's to give you corresponding results. The commands are :
* my-tweets
* spotify-this-song "Song Name"
* movie-this "Movie Name"
* do-what-it-says "Reads from a txt file"
Github link to project.

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Friend Finder

This is a full stack web app that is hosted on Heroku. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node, and Express. It is a survey that will match you with a person with the most similar answers. Github link to project.

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Burger Devour

This is a full stack web app that is hosted on Heroku. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node, MySQL, and Express. It is an app that allows users to add burgers to a MySQL database and allows you to devour them and then to eat them again. This changes the devour state in the database. Github link to project.

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Current Playlist

This is a full stack web app that is hosted on Heroku. It uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node, MySQL, Sequelize, Express and the Spotify API. It has the Current 893 Essential Songs stored in a MySQL database, which you can then search using various terms. Once you login to Spotify you can then add them to the playlist field, where you can play snippets or access the full song on Spotify. Github link to project.

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NYT Article Search

This is a full stack web app that is hosted on Heroku. It uses HTML, React, JSX, JavaScript, Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express and New York Times API. It will search the New York Times for whatever search term you are interested in and will return article snippets, the link to the actual article, the date published, and will allow you to save them to read later. Github link to project.

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This is a full stack web app that is hosted on Heroku. It uses HTML, CSS, React,JavaScript, JSX, Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Axios, and Auth0. It will return a list of things to do that are going on around based on how much time you have and what you budget is. For the results it use multiple API's including Google Places, Yelp, SeatGeek, and Dark Sky. It stores the user data as well as everything they add to their itinerary, which will then be accessable after they log out. Github link to project.